At A Glance


From £110

Expected Results:

Medical assistance and advice for common ailments or concerns. Prescription for any recommended medication. Referral to a specialist if required.

Length of Surgery:

15-30 Minute Appointments





What is a GP Appointment?

A GP appointment is a one-to-one consultation with a GP, or ‘General Practitioner’. GPs are medical doctors who provide primary healthcare to patients.

People may want to see a GP for a variety of reasons including:

  • Routine check-ups and preventative care
  • Diagnosing and treating health conditions
  • Managing chronic illnesses or injuries
  • Getting a prescription
  • Health screening
  • Referrals to specialists

We have two tiers of appointments at The Day Clinic, Cambridge, a 15 minute appointment for consultations which are likely to be relatively straightforward and a 30 minute extended consultation if you would like more time to go through a number of issues, or feel that 15 minutes will not be long enough.

The Consultation


During your GP appointment, you will have the opportunity to discuss your health concern(s) with our GP. The GP will typically ask about your medical history, current symptoms and any relevant past illnesses or conditions.

The GP will assess your symptoms and evaluate them to try to understand the underlying cause. If needed, the GP may conduct a physical examination to assess your overall health and/or the specific concern you’ve come about. We offer a chaperone if you wish.

Based on your history, symptoms and the examination findings, the GP may be able to provide a diagnosis, or order further tests for confirmation. If a diagnosis has been made, the GP will discuss a treatment plan with you. This may include prescribing medications, referrals to specialists, or further investigations.

The GP may offer advice about how to manage a health condition, preventative measures you can take and general advice to improve your wellbeing.

Depending on the nature of the consultation, the GP may schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor your progress or adjust your treatment plan.

Aftercare & Results


Following your GP appointment, you can expect to have a preliminary diagnosis or further tests scheduled to determine the underlying cause of your health issue. The GP will have discussed a treatment plan with you which may include medication, changes to lifestyle, referrals to specialists or further investigations.

The GP may have prescribed medications to manage your condition or alleviate your symptoms. It’s important to follow the prescribed dosage and instructions carefully. We partner with a local mobile pharmacy called Pill Sorted, they can deliver your medication directly to your door if you would like to make use of this service.

The GP may have considered it appropriate to refer you to a specialist, such as a cardiologist or a dermatologist, in which case you will receive correspondence from the specialist shortly after your appointment.

It may be deemed appropriate for a further GP appointment to be arranged to monitor your progress, adjust the treatment plan or review test results.

Depending on your condition, you may be provided with information about how to manage your condition, preventative measures you can take, lifestyle modifications and additional support resources.

After your GP appointment, you should have a better understanding of your health condition, a plan for treating or managing it, and reassurance that you are taking steps towards dealing with the problem and improving your health.

What our clients think

tonia george
tonia george
9 February 2024
Day into lower eye blep lift. Staff were great all the way through procedure. Everything went smoothly. Lovely cup of tea and brownie after. Looking forward to seeing results. Would recommend .
Kimba DanceFit
Kimba DanceFit
8 February 2024
I am full of praise for Mr Abood, his team and his clinic. It is a friendly, welcoming environment with ample (and free!) parking. The staff are caring and empathetic, the procedure was straightforward and I felt as though my wellbeing was prioritised at all times. I cannot recommend them highly enough and would definitely return. The care I received before, during and after the procedure was excellent, and it was an overall positive experience.
James Daniel
James Daniel
26 January 2024
Yesterday, I attended the Day Clinic for the removal of several moles/lesions. I cannot speak highly enough of the treatment I received and the outstanding way in which it was delivered. This is my second visit to Mr Abood's Clinic, so there was no apprehension nor doubt that the experience would again exceed expectation. I found Mr Abood to be highly skilled and knowledgeable, personable and caring. I felt instantly at ease in his care and had absolute confidence in his professionalism and expertise. A special mention to Rachael too, who was equally welcoming, attentive and very kind. I have no hesitation in recommending Mr Abood and his superlative Team. With grateful thanks Deborah Daniel.
Anne Cooke
Anne Cooke
1 January 2024
Professional service and clear instructions for after care
Jane Halliday
Jane Halliday
15 December 2023
The website of Mr Abood promises an individual and bespoke approach to care, and this is exactly what was delivered; from contacting Justine initially and then having the procedure with Mr Abood. I cannot recommend highly enough the professionalism, assurance and personalised care that Mr Abood and his Team provide.
Anthony Roberts
Anthony Roberts
14 December 2023
First class surgery and a fantastic warming atmosphere.
Lizz Grimwade
Lizz Grimwade
7 December 2023
Fantastic experience from start to finish. The whole team werr extremely friendly and professional which made the whole process smooth and efficient. I would be more than happy to use the clinic again and would highly recommend them.
James Waters
James Waters
7 December 2023
Very welcoming and friendly. I felt reassured at all times, well briefed before my procedure and given clear guidance post procedure. I would heartily recommend to anyone with any skin lesion. Thankyou to Mr Abood and his colleagues
Carole King
Carole King
30 November 2023
From the moment we walked in I felt comfortable and looked after . The whole experience was kind and caring and I felt very well treated . My questions were answered and explained and my comfort during the procedure was constantly checked . The follow up email to explain what may happen was clear and precise and I feel able to contact the clinic if I have any ongoing problems .

Potential Risks

Prescription medications can be beneficial in treating various health conditions, but some medications can pose potential risks and side effects. It’s important that you are aware of these risks before taking any new medications. Some potential risks or side effects associated with certain medications can include:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Side effects such as nausea, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, gastrointestinal issues, changes in mood
  • Interactions with other drugs/medications can increase the risk of side effects, this makes it very important to discuss any medications, supplements, or over the counter drugs you are taking with your GP
  • Adverse effects on organs – certain medications can have adverse effects on specific organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart or blood cells
  • Dependency or tolerance – certain drugs, especially for pain management, insomnia and mental health conditions can lead to tolerance which means higher doses are needed to have the same effect
  • Overdose – If taken in doses higher than prescribed or combined with alcohol or other substances, taking medications can lead to an overdose which can be life-threatening
  • Medication errors – human error can lead to errors in prescribing, dispensing, or administering medications,  this can lead to missed doses, incorrect doses or wrong medications being taken
  • Long-term effects – some medications have long-term effects on the body such as organ damage or increased risk of certain health conditions

Related FAQs

What is the typical wait for a GP appointment?

We recognise that many people struggle to access their GPs through the NHS which can be a source of distress and unnecessary discomfort or worry. At The Day Clinic we aim to offer GP appointments promptly and we do all we can to avoid a waiting list. We would aim to offer an appointment within a day or two or your enquiry.

What if I have an urgent medical issue and need to see a GP straight away?

If you require an urgent appointment and make an enquiry during opening hours we will do our best to get you a same day appointment or as close to that as possible.

What if I need to cancel or reschedule my GP appointment?

We understand that you may wish to cancel, rearrange, or no longer feel your appointment is necessary. We ask that you give us as much notice as possible.

What if I just need to get a prescription?

If your prescription is a repeat prescription for one which was already prescribed from a Day Clinic GP, then we will likely be able to reissue it for you. If you are a new patient, you will need to see a Day Clinic GP before it can be prescribed.

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